Into Nowadays 8.4.13

2:00 PM

These are some tweets that couldn't help but share!

This girl is one of my camp friends. If you want to laugh so hard that you wet your pants follow her!

This is another one of my camp friends. She is an absolute nut case, and I love her for it! It would rock her world if you followed her! (Oh and btw Taylor and Alana are both single! They are cute and they love Jesus!;)

Pins that I'm in love with...

I am so antsy for a roadtrip!

I almost died when I read this! hashtag star wars geek probs

Can I get an "AMEN"!?

This blog post series is driving me insane! I just want to hear the rest of the story!!!

This cover. is. ah. maz. in.

These are the things that I've been into lately. I'm hoping to start this a new post series "Into Nowadays" about once a month. What do you think?


I've got some GREAT news...but you're going to have to wait till next week to find out! ;)


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