Thinkin' & Prayin'

11:27 AM

Hello lovely readers. This month I have been thinking and praying a lot. I have been thinking about what it's going to be like living on my own, and how scary/amazing that's going to be. I am so ready to move out my parents house. (Not because I don't like living there, it's just time for a change.) On the other hand, I am extremely nervous. I am going to be living in a bigger city than I've never lived in before. I'm not going to have a church family there. I'm not going to know very many people. As I was typing this I realized that those things I just listed aren't scary at all, they're exciting! New places, new people, a new church, a new job, new friends. *sigh* just typing it makes me happy. It's a new adventure!

I've been praying a lot too. Praying for wisdom. Since I've started praying for this so many things that I thought were important aren't any more. So many things that I put value in don't have value at all. It's weird. I can see how rapidly I am maturing and gaining wisdom just in the past month. One of the things I've learned this month is to throw the worrying out the window. I am the all-time worst person when it comes to worrying, but this month has felt amazing to cast all my burdens on Him.

Speaking of burdens, I was thinking about where I was going to live when I move out. I had a friend of mine ask if I wanted to be her roommate, but she didn't have an apartment. I wasn't going to worry about it though. I gave it to God. She contacted me a few days ago and said that she is actively looking for an apartment and she wants to be moved in soon. Then she told me that she doesn't have any furniture, so we would both have to chip in to get some. Turns out a bunch of our family friends have furniture that they are willing to give us for free!

God continues to show me everyday that He's got this.


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