Smoky Mountain Vacation Day 2

12:33 PM

  On Monday my mom, Caleb, and me headed out for NOC white water rafting tours. After almost getting lost from Mama's handwritten directions, we finally made it to the last leg of the "never ending" journey...and that's when it got weird. We had successfully made it to hillbilly country. When I mean "hillbilly", I mean shacks with 3 dozen broken, rusted vehicles scattered in the front yard! It was awful! Then we finally reached the NOC building! To describe how "hillbilly" it was; when we drove into the parking lot be saw that the NOC owns a goat! Okay, so they have this specialty breed of goat to eat these vines that are overtaking the place, but still.

Then after we waited around and listened to a really nice elderly man give a demo, (during the pouring rain) we suited up into moldy wind breakers, body odor ridden life jackets, and probably lice infested helmets. Then we all piled on an old, faded, blue school bus and headed down the narrow, bumpy road. Then the real fun began.

We waited around for the guides to throw the rafts in the water. Then we all jumped in and sat down on the side of the raft. Then we started down the calm river. For about 10 minutes I said to myself *in Lance's famous voice* "this is really dumb", and after that is when the white water started coming into view.

The first rapid was okay, but not very intense. Then the second one came and little brother #1 fell out of the raft! He was safely rescued by P.D. though. Oh, who is P.D. you ask? Well, I don't know his real name him and his wife just reminded me of my favorite 2nd cousins P.D. and Stephanie. :) Also in our raft was "hairy dude" (that's the name me and Caleb picked for him), but I don't like to think about him much. Oh, and our guide (also the nice elderly demo man).

The trip was great! They stopped and let us jump of a tall rock into the river and also do some swimming. All in all, even with all the not so good things it was an AMAZING day. :) 

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