Preparing for Vacation Part 1

8:55 AM

Yesterday I started really getting ready for vacation. Here is a list of all the things that I did:

1. Cleaned all the DVDs with a banana to help them from skipping and then rubbed them with alcohol to remove the residue.
 "Scratches on discs happen. After one of our favorite DVDs started to skip after receiving a few too many scratches we started to look for a solution to salvage it. Sure there are DVD scratch removal devices that you can buy, but why waste money when there is a solution to be found right in our own homes? Using toothpaste, a banana, a rag and window cleaner we will show you how to remove scratches from a DVD and with any luck the unplayable will become playable."
2. Made the kids cute binders with all sorts of activities for them to do. I made one for the 12 year old (pictures below), one for the 7 year old, and one for myself with a photo challenge and blank paper.

 Scavenger hunts. If they complete 1 1/2 of them then they get a surprise! (toy from the Dollar Tree)

 Activity and coloring sheets that have something to do with North Carolina

You can get all these FREE printables here:


Scavenger Hunts:

 When we leave for the trip its going to be dark so I'm giving them these to play with, glow-in-the-dark sword, flag, and butterfly wand.
 I also filled their bags with electronics,
 A Travelers Diary,
 more electronics,
 These are some of the prizes they will receive if they complete their scavenger hunts.
Aren't these cute? Build your own cupcakes! I printed these out and laminated them and put velco on them so they would stick together.
Build Your Own Cupcakes:
These are a few of the things that I packed for my little toddler boy.

Here are some more links to some printables in their binders that aren't shown in pictures:

Crayola has some great FREE printables, this one is for North Carolina.



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