This is an accidental picture that my mom ending up getting...but it's my reaction to seeing the Amish. I was seriously so excited.

The Amish!!
Family picture in front of our rental vacation house.
Silver Dollar City was the best.
Joshua's first roller coaster!
He loved the live bluegrass.
(photo creds to mama)
Promised Land Zoo was a great place for kids or anyone really to learn about animals from a christian worldview.
I really want a tiger cub now...
Guess what day is it...oh never mind.
A baby buffalo!
This llama would not let us pass. He stood in front of our car and stared at us with that "give me more food" look.
The camel was making sure Caleb videoed his good side.
The parakeets were my very favorites.
We got sidetracked one day while driving and from Branson Missouri ended up in Eureka Springs Arkansas! So we went to the thorncrown glass chapel.
We just had to take advantage of the golden hour sunlight.

I don't even like journeys but I really liked the shadows...photographer probs.
While at sliver dollar city we toured marvel cave...
The cave was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. If you ever have the chance to tour one please do. It was like I had gone to another planet!
Just my dad with a 15 ft Reagan bust...
Joshua LOVED this rooster...he talked about it all the time. He would ask me every time that we would get in the car "Money, see that big rooster?".
Another family picture...
Table Rock Lake
(photo cred to mama)
The Buffalo River
On the way home we made a slight change in course and stopped by the duck commander warehouse.
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)