This year my family and I loaded up and headed out to Branson Missouri for our annual family vacation.
Day 1
We made pretty good time being that be only made a few stops one of which was to see the Arkansas Natural Bridge.
I was kind of irritated that they wouldn't let you stand on it or even get anywhere close to it, but it was still a wonder to gaze upon. We decided to take some sibling pictures...

Caleb being Caleb
My little Amelia (Pond) is growing up so much. I gave her my old point-and-shoot before we left for vacation...this is her taking pictures right alongside her older sister.
Day 2
We went to Silver Dollar City, but I didn't bring my camera because I was riding too many roller coaters.
Day 3
My mom likes us to wear "coordinating" outfits every day on vacations because you never know when a good picture opportunity will turn up. In this case she was right. We were on our way to the Laura Ingals Wilder homestead and stopped to eat lunch in a town park. Right across the street there was this nifty run down building so I made the kids have a little photoshoot. That's what happens when your big sister is a photographer. :)
My little Amelia (Pond)
I train was zooming by when I took this picture I went into fast photoshoot mode. I was running around like a crazy person to get a shot before the train moved too far down the track.
Joshua, my little hobbit, being cute as always.
While we were waiting for the house tour Joshua got bored so he ran up and down, and up and down, and up and down the sidewalk.
Some of Laura's letters...
When you go into the museum they have a sign that says "no interior photography" so like any descent citizen I didn't take any pictures in the museum. When we went into the actual house there was no sign so I started snapping away, when all of a sudden out of nowhere the tour guide says "no interior photography miss". Really? Can't you put a sign up IN THE STINKING HOUSE that says that? Sorry just a little photographer rant.
Besides that little incident days 1 2 and 3 were great!
This concludes our first three days of vacation.
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)