Hi, I'm Grace. I'm a creative, a minimalist, an over-thinker, and a lover of simple things. I am a proud homeschool and community college graduate. Adoption and foster care are my heartcry. I'm currently living in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. Poetry is my love language. Music is my getaway. The library is my happy place. Coffee is my favorite. A lightsaber would be my weapon of choice. The Lord Jesus saved my life and I'm just trying to live every day pointing everything back to Him.
If you'd like to learn more head on over to my 'contact' page to drop me an email!
I'm Adelynn Grace. I'm a twenty-something, minimalist, marketer, & foster care advocate. I live for road trips, mountain skylines, and the next Lumineer's album to be released. To learn more click on over to my 'about' page.