The Longing
10:20 AM
I am craving Christmas break. I am craving the feeling of knowing that I don't have any obligations but that of spending time with my friends and family and making sure that I get my fill of eggnog (which I prefer to just call nog).
My grades...they are just there. They aren't bad, but they could be better. I am such a perfectionist that I beat myself up if I get even a good grade. I am really wanting better grades.
Tomorrow I will be attending the camp staff Christmas party. I have been longing for to be reunited with all my camp friends for a while now.
In the spring my family and I are heading out on an adventure...or vacation whatever you want to call it. I am really looking forward to that.
But sadly, for now I will have to finish this day of school out. So here I come English III. AHHHHH! for Narnia!(that was my battle cry.) I am coming to slay you and you will be put to rest until next semester when we shall meet again.
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)