My Christmas break has officially started! It feels so good to be free from the chains of school and work.
Saturday I headed out to my second home for the staff Christmas party. It is always so good to fill up my Judson meter. It was a great blessing to spend a good portion of my night with some of my very favorite people.
We talked about next summer's top secret theme...who was leaving, who was changing jobs, and who is replacing who. Besides campy stuff we started where we left off this summer and caught up from there. It was so good to catch up with the people that I don't talk to all the time. It was a much needed homecoming.

Saturday I headed out to my second home for the staff Christmas party. It is always so good to fill up my Judson meter. It was a great blessing to spend a good portion of my night with some of my very favorite people.
We talked about next summer's top secret theme...who was leaving, who was changing jobs, and who is replacing who. Besides campy stuff we started where we left off this summer and caught up from there. It was so good to catch up with the people that I don't talk to all the time. It was a much needed homecoming.
Me, Morgen, & Tiffany
the whole group minus 2...I'm in the front holding a kid as always.
My family's Christmas doings have included...taking Christmas pictures (those will be posted soon), Christmas lights looking, and today I think I might make Christmas cookies.
During my break I'm hoping to...write and schedule some awesome posts, update the look of my blog just a tad, and hopefully get to have a goodwill date with one of my camp friends.
I hope that you are having a great Christmas season so far!
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)