Things are a Changing

10:47 AM

Green leaves turn to brownish shades of orange. The wind begins to blow more forcefully than it did in our long summer days. Our sweaters and scarves come to the front of the closet where our shorts and sunglasses were before. Change.

Hiding behind her mother's leg as a church family member tried to talk to her she replied shortly, if at all. Her mother filled with embarrassment, pulling her daughter from the grip of her leg, sweetly says "don't be shy. say hello". Fast forward 12 years. That same girl has turned into a very blunt, honest person that has to make sure that she doesn't offend anyone. And prays that she has tact whenever having to seriously speak with someone. A girl once afraid of talking to people to a girl that has a hard time not talking. Change.

A girl that was happy to be taking pictures of flowers and leaves in her backyard to a girl that is just about to take a professional photography business off the ground.

From a girl thinking about what she wanted to do first and then considering God, to asking God first and waiting on His timing. Change.

From having hardly any friends to more than she can handle. :) Change.

So many things in my life are in a transitional period. Like a snake shedding it's skin and going from a tight, itchy, skin to a bright, shiny, comfortable one. I have grown spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally over these past 6 months. I feel new. And I feel good.

I can't wait to see what God has in store over the next 6 months!

Things are a changing.


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