Honest Conversations

9:58 AM

 "When you are honest you are rude."

"I love you to death, but that's your main issue. Tact."

The friends that tell you honestly, with love what your flaws are, yeah those are the best ones. ;)

From facebook messaging to phone calls to a much needed skype date I have really been able to pour out my heart to my close friends recently. I'm going through a rough season in this chapter of my life and they keep shooting out prayers, advice, and wisdom. I am so thankful that God has given me friends like this!

I did before, but now I have a new understanding for what brothers and sisters in Christ are for. They are to lift you up, tell you where you are wrong, and to pray for you.

I have also learned that God will give you direction and a peace about that direction in His time.


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