2016: A Look Back

4:45 PM

2016 has quickly come to a close. It has been a wild year for me. A year of new sights, new trials, new lessons, new friends, new firsts and new adventures. The Lord has been chipping away at me in new ways. He is breaking me, molding me, and little by little making me into something different. Something that is more like Him.

This year started off with a bang of newness. I was a second semester college freshmen still getting used to the new sights and sounds of college. I fell in love with school and with the baptist ministry on campus. I made new friends quickly and it wasn't long before I was in a discipleship with one of them; which helped in my spiritual growth tremendously.

I attended my first ever Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. I sat on top of roofs. I hiked. I was accepted to ACMNP. I found a church to go to. I worked in fast food. I flew for the first time. I saw crazy deep snow for the first time. I traveled by myself for the first time.

This summer I worked in Yellowstone with ACMNP and that was the hardest thing I've ever done. The Lord pushed me everyday outside of my comfort zone. He broke me down to build me up again. I grew so much during this time. This summer is also when I met Rachel, who is now one of my closest friends.

I went spelunking. I saw a wolf for the first time. I swam in a river and cliff jumped. I saw the badlands. I visited Chicago. I rode on a train for the first time.

This fall semester at school has been a different experience as well. I didn't have an actual job this semester due to lots of different circumstances so I lived off of my savings. It was difficult to budget without income constantly coming in. It was a great semester though. I had more time to focus on school and my other responsibilities. I also obtained two new roommates this past semester. I couldn't be happier with both of them. I ended the semester on a high note by passing my final math class ever!

This year was hard. This year was joyful. This year was a time of growing, and learning, and failing, and falling, but mostly growing. I am hoping for the Lord to work in the same big ways He always does next year.

so bring it on 2017! Show me what ya got.


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