Into Nowadays 8.4.13
2:00 PM
These are some tweets that couldn't help but share!
Confession: I am a sunglasses serial killer. Not a single pair makes it out alive.
— Alana Nardini (@AlanaNardini) July 31, 2013
This is another one of my camp friends. She is an absolute nut case, and I love her for it! It would rock her world if you followed her! (Oh and btw Taylor and Alana are both single! They are cute and they love Jesus!;)
#ImSingleBecause Christian guys take no initiative in dating.
— Taylor Fink (@tayfink) July 31, 2013
Does anyone use the word "choosy" besides Jif? i mean, really.
— Jordan Taylor (@Messy_Jordan) July 28, 2013
Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, “I’ve lost my electron.” The other says “Are you sure?” The first replies, “Yes, I’m positive.”
— Puns (@omgthatspunny) July 27, 2013
Girls on Instagram be like, "I'm at the pool. I brought my legs. Here's some proof."
— maegan (@maeganbruce) July 5, 2013
Friendship is so weird.. you just pick a human you've met and you’re like “yep I like this one” and you just do stuff with them
— Bill Murray (@BiIIMurray) July 24, 2013
Pins that I'm in love with...
Can I get an "AMEN"!?
This cover. is. ah. maz. in.These are the things that I've been into lately. I'm hoping to start this a new post series "Into Nowadays" about once a month. What do you think?
I've got some GREAT news...but you're going to have to wait till next week to find out! ;)
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)