Writer's block has hit me, so forgive me for the rambling and randomness of this post.

This week we were flooded with 1st-6th grade boys and the Dry Creek guys.
It rained on us a few times during our horse rides...but we needed the rain and it cooled us off. I think the only downfall was that I REALLY stunk afterward.
No major injuries happened to me this week, thankfully!
I have learned one whole trail which means I can lead the rides now without asking where to turn every 5 minutes.
Speaking of trails...I saw a snake, a deer, and a raccoon while riding on the trails this week.
My relationships with the other staff members have grown tremendously over these past few weeks. I have learned that being truthful with others is better than holding a grudge or assuming that everything is okay.
My boss and I have really learned how to communicate more effectively, which helps everything run more smoothly. From sharing a room, to completing a job communication is key.
I am beginning to learn my place as a staffer. What to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why I should do it. I have learned that to being a good staffer doesn't mean "just be good at your job" it means to be good at your job and then go above and beyond what is asked of you.
Stepping out of my comfort zone is something I'm gonna have to get used to.
Prayer is a powerful thing! At the beginning of each week we are assigned a fellow staffer to pray for over the week. We receive a lamented card that fits in our staff IDs with our prayer person's name on it as a reminder to pray for them. I love this! I forget everything, so this is a great way to help me remember to pray for that person.
Well, I guess if I want clean clothes for next week I better go now and take my clothes out the washer and throw them in the dryer.
Your comments make my day! No, I'm serious. I'll do the happy dance. :)