On a Thursday night Olivia asked told me that I was coming to see her Friday on homecoming court. Her mom picked me up Friday afternoon and I helped her get ready before. Then I watched the basketball game (because her school doesn't have football) and then the homecoming court. She was great!
Afterward we went to hang out with a couple of Olivia's guy friends at burger king. I had met most of them before at different functions so it wasn't awkward. We talked and laughed and joked until they kicked us out (because it was closing time). In the parking lot we decided that we all should go bowling Saturday before homecoming. They invited me and I said that I would ask my parents. The plan was to meet at the bowling alley and then for them to go to homecoming and Olivia's mom and I would hang out at thrift stores until it was over.
Olivia and her mom picked me up Saturday and we went bowling. We all had a great time. All three of the guys that came are super funny. It was great. While we were bowling the guys kept asking me to go to homecoming. I told them that that was crazy! I wasn't going to homecoming in jeans and a t-shirt! Besides the fact I hadn't bought a ticket and I didn't have a date!
When the game was through one of the guys kept begging me to go. At this point I thought it would be kind of cool to show up to a formal place in jeans. The idea was just stirring in my head. I finally told him that I would go if he asked someone important at the school if it was okay I would go, because I didn't have a ticket and let's face it I'm in jeans for crying out loud!! He really didn't want to ask the assistant principal so I figured that I would end up on an aisle of a thrift store somewhere and I was okay with that. :)
We all left the bowling alley and were heading toward the place where it was being held. Olivia put on her dress and went in and left me in the car waiting to see if my "date" had gotten up enough guts to ask if I could come. He did! So I went, I went to homecoming in skinny jeans and a t-shirt not to mention my Christmas socks!
It was totally aright though. Jared, who is the "he", had to work on some techy things and so I helped. I love techy stuff. It was really fun just to hang out with new people for a change. Olivia was a little embarrassed that I came looking like that, but what are friends for if not to embarrass you sometimes? :)
I am trying to see how many school dances I can go to before I graduate. hashtaghomeschoolprobs So far 2 down.
2014 has treated me good so far. I have really been working on cleaning/reorganizing my room/office. I don't understand why people "spring clean" I like to have a clean slate at the beginning of the year not half way through, but to each his own. I will soon have a post all about my reorganization.
In other news...*said in my most reporterish voice* I went to another homecoming! I am trying to see how many school dances I can go to before I graduate. hashtaghomeschoolprobs It's a kind of long story that I will soon be telling! ekk!
Caleb has been learning to play the harmonica. He is getting really good!
I hope that you are having a great 2014 so far!
I have always loved the idea of a class ring, but sadly I knew that I would never have one because I'm, well, homeschooled. I was bummed. When all of my friends started talking about getting theirs I started looking into the possibility of getting a "homeschool class ring".
My mom and I looked and looked and looked for a place that had the options that I wanted with no luck. Although, I was being a little picky...for instance...I refused to have the top say "home education" and I wanted one side to have an attractive photography picture. Finally my mom found the store. It had every option that I wanted and it was way cheaper than everywhere else we had looked. This is the site to the store.
The top says "Soli deo Gloria" which is Latin for "Glory to God Alone". The stone is an amethyst (which is my birthstone) and it has a Flur de lis under it. A Flur de lis is a symbol for the trinity, and is also a Louisiana symbol. The left side has a camera with a shutter around it and a banner that says "photography". It says my first name "Adelynn" at the top. The right side is a picture of a cowboy with his horse kneeling at the cross. It says 2015.
I love it so much! It is everything that I could have hoped for in a ring. I promise that I didn't get paid to say this...but if you are a homeschooler and want a class ring buy it from Dunham! They were amazingly fast, (and that's saying something because I am an impatient person) cheap, and wonderfully made! I can't wait to take senior pictures with this ring!
My mom and I looked and looked and looked for a place that had the options that I wanted with no luck. Although, I was being a little picky...for instance...I refused to have the top say "home education" and I wanted one side to have an attractive photography picture. Finally my mom found the store. It had every option that I wanted and it was way cheaper than everywhere else we had looked. This is the site to the store.
The top says "Soli deo Gloria" which is Latin for "Glory to God Alone". The stone is an amethyst (which is my birthstone) and it has a Flur de lis under it. A Flur de lis is a symbol for the trinity, and is also a Louisiana symbol. The left side has a camera with a shutter around it and a banner that says "photography". It says my first name "Adelynn" at the top. The right side is a picture of a cowboy with his horse kneeling at the cross. It says 2015.
I love it so much! It is everything that I could have hoped for in a ring. I promise that I didn't get paid to say this...but if you are a homeschooler and want a class ring buy it from Dunham! They were amazingly fast, (and that's saying something because I am an impatient person) cheap, and wonderfully made! I can't wait to take senior pictures with this ring!
This is quite possibly one of the greatest inventions ever. I love just being able to pick up and go whenever. My parents aren't having to figure out how to get me somewhere when they need to go somewhere else. I just drive myself. I have a feeling the "freedom" is going to be one of the top 10 words that describe this year.
I love target so much. I got a gift card there for Christmas and picked up some pretty sweet stuff.
I have always been that girl that didn't care about clothes. I would throw on some cowboy boots, jeans, and a plaid shirt and I was good to go anywhere. Over the past few months I have really started caring about clothes and things. Hopefully I can bribe one of my family members to take my pictures in some of my cute outfits that I've put together.
My business website is really coming together. ( www.adelynngrace.com ) I really like how simple and white it is. You should go check it out!
-Scheduled Blog Posts-
Over my winter break I sat down and wrote a lot of material and scheduled it so now I can always (hopefully) be ahead and not be worried about missing a post day. I am really going to try this year to stay on schedule.
I am going to be taking the ACT very soon. I have to say that I am a little afraid of it. I haven't ever taken a standardized test and I am a little unsure of what to expect. hashtaghomeschoolprobs Did you know that homeschoolers have to make a higher ACT score than "normal" people to get in to some colleges?!
Did I ever tell you about the time that we had a burglar? No? Well then, pull up a beanbag and lend an ear.
It was a cold December night. I was babysitting all 3 of the kids while my mom and dad were attending a retirement party for a friend.
Joshua had been put to bed for the night and the rest of us were watching Charlie Brown Christmas. (It's one of our favorites.) We were all sitting around all cozy when all of a sudden we here a loud 'THUD' on the front door. We have a screen door and then a full size door, whatever was making the noise hit the full size door which meant that it had opened the screen door which ruled out any animals. Our dog was growling, and barking, and basically doing everything in his power to tell us of the grave danger that awaited us if we dared venture out-of-doors. We all 3 looked at one another then scurried off unto our parents bedroom. Once securely locked inside the room we called our parents and asked what to do. My dad told my brother to retrieve the rifle and then wait till the intruder...well intruded and then give him a run for his money.
My brother being the overprotective thing that he his quickly pulled the gun from the case and we waited in the room. Amelia finally said "are you going to get Joshua?" That's when it occurred to me that I had forgotten all about him in the drama. I refused to go back through the living room so I settled on watching him through the video baby monitor which was located in my parents room.
My brother finally mustered up enough courage to open the door of my parents room to find that there was no one. We then made a run through of the house still with gun in hand. After finding nothing and hearing nothing we took our previous places and continued to cautiously watch our show.
After a while the dog started barking again off and on. We peered out the closed window blind to see that it was not a burglar at all but rather two smaller size dogs and a dog that you could bring to a child's birthday party to ride instead of a horse!
They had come to meet our dog who always sits on the front step. I have no idea how they reached the front door, maybe the screen door was left locked open like it sometimes is.
My parents called back a little while later and they laughed at the fact.
And that my friends is the time when we had burglars.
It was a cold December night. I was babysitting all 3 of the kids while my mom and dad were attending a retirement party for a friend.
Joshua had been put to bed for the night and the rest of us were watching Charlie Brown Christmas. (It's one of our favorites.) We were all sitting around all cozy when all of a sudden we here a loud 'THUD' on the front door. We have a screen door and then a full size door, whatever was making the noise hit the full size door which meant that it had opened the screen door which ruled out any animals. Our dog was growling, and barking, and basically doing everything in his power to tell us of the grave danger that awaited us if we dared venture out-of-doors. We all 3 looked at one another then scurried off unto our parents bedroom. Once securely locked inside the room we called our parents and asked what to do. My dad told my brother to retrieve the rifle and then wait till the intruder...well intruded and then give him a run for his money.
My brother being the overprotective thing that he his quickly pulled the gun from the case and we waited in the room. Amelia finally said "are you going to get Joshua?" That's when it occurred to me that I had forgotten all about him in the drama. I refused to go back through the living room so I settled on watching him through the video baby monitor which was located in my parents room.
My brother finally mustered up enough courage to open the door of my parents room to find that there was no one. We then made a run through of the house still with gun in hand. After finding nothing and hearing nothing we took our previous places and continued to cautiously watch our show.
After a while the dog started barking again off and on. We peered out the closed window blind to see that it was not a burglar at all but rather two smaller size dogs and a dog that you could bring to a child's birthday party to ride instead of a horse!
They had come to meet our dog who always sits on the front step. I have no idea how they reached the front door, maybe the screen door was left locked open like it sometimes is.
My parents called back a little while later and they laughed at the fact.
And that my friends is the time when we had burglars.
Ever since I was little I have been called "the good kid" everywhere that I go. It used to bother me, but now I embrace it. If being "the good kid" means that everyone else can see that I am different than so be it. I would rather be a good example and be called "the good kid" than be like everyone else and them not know the difference than a Christian and a non-believer. So to all the people that call me that...thank you, because it just means that you can see God through me...and that makes me happy. :)
That's my small thought for the day...
I want to talk about my blessings more than my problems. I want to let everyone that I see know who leads my life, and give Him the glory for every bit. I want to go on more adventures or rather see more things as adventures. I want what people say not to matter to me. I want to show them not tell them. I want to make pretty things and not care who likes it. I want my friendships to grow deeper, my faith stronger, and my courage firmer. I want to do more of what makes me happy. I want to be happy. I want to not be held back by memories of yesterday or worries of tomorrow. I want to give everything my best. Twenty fourteen I'm putting my best foot forward and nothing is going to stand in my way.
Wow. I cannot believe that this year is already over! It has been a wild ride! God has taught me so much through hardships and camp mostly. Several things have happened this year ( most of which is still in effect) that have taught me some MAJOR lessons. I am still constantly seeking God on many things that are going on right now and He continues to answer.
I've learned about friendship...and that some people are real friends and some aren't.
I've learned about service...and that sometimes God is going to ask you to serve in places that you don't really like, but you have to because He thinks that it's best. When that happens you have to suck it up and not complain about it.
I've learned to step out of my comfort zone.
Here is my month by month breakdown of all of the awesome things that I did.
I've learned about friendship...and that some people are real friends and some aren't.
I've learned about service...and that sometimes God is going to ask you to serve in places that you don't really like, but you have to because He thinks that it's best. When that happens you have to suck it up and not complain about it.
I've learned to step out of my comfort zone.
Here is my month by month breakdown of all of the awesome things that I did.
driver's ed
sent out my first two job applications
got my first part-time job
made an photography pen-pal friend who has been a great mentor
was first introduced to the doctor :)
went ice-skating for my 1st or 2nd time (I can't remember)
served at our local nursing home
our pastor moved to a new state and church
my sweet 16
the best birthday party that i've ever had
more driver's ed (first time to drive on the interstate)
my first bridal client ever called
camp training weekend (aka the sleepover of the year)
got my first summer job
got my first summer job
easter family reunion
got my permit
April & May-
school school and more school (I was behind and I was trying to finish before summer)
school school and more school (I was behind and I was trying to finish before summer)
June & July-
camp (the highlight of my year)
camp (the highlight of my year)
started junior year
started junior year
1st annual Adelynn Grace Photography cutest kid contest
went to the beach for a day
went to the beach for a day
harbor day
got licence
harbor day
got licence
joined the local homeschool group and went to the CHEF picnic
my first day of house cleaning jobs
hunting weekend
joined the local homeschool group and went to the CHEF picnic
my first day of house cleaning jobs
hunting weekend
staff christmas party
saw frozen
saw the hobbit: desolation of smaug
This was my year. It has been a great one! I can't wait to see what God has in store for 2014!
Happy New Year!
saw frozen
saw the hobbit: desolation of smaug
This was my year. It has been a great one! I can't wait to see what God has in store for 2014!
Happy New Year!